Our sound system; consists of the lungs, trachea, larynx, nose and mouth. In order for a healthy voice to occur, all organs in the sound system must work in a healthy and harmonious manner.
It is important to breathe correctly so that the vocal cords vibrate without damage. The correct breathing, so to speak, is diaphragmatic breathing. Correct posture, that is, standing upright, is important in order to use diaphragmatic breathing.
Frequent and severe throat clearing, frequent and severe coughing will irritate the vocal cords, so these behaviors should be avoided.
Hydration of the vocal cords is important. Drink at least two liters of decaffeinated and decaf fluids a day. Caffeine, theine (tea, coffee, cola), alcohol, dairy products cause damage to the vocal cords as they dry the water in the cell and cause an increase in phlegm.
Do not speak too loudly, do not shout, do not scream, as speaking loudly will irritate the vocal cords. Instead of sending your voice away, go there.
Do not talk in dry, dusty, smoky, air-conditioned and noisy places.
Do not smoke, as smoking irritates the vocal cords.
Get treatment if you have reflux. The beginning of the esophagus is located just behind our vocal cords. Reflux treatment is important as stomach acid rising up from the esophagus will irritate our vocal cords.
Use diuretic drugs under the supervision of a doctor; These drugs can cause drying of the vocal cords.
Drink herbal teas to a limited extent, as many herbal teas also have a diuretic effect.
If you have allergies, sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis, nasal congestion and lung disease, have it treated. All kinds of diseases and problems in your body will negatively affect your voice; so get all your health problems solved.
Make sure you get enough sleep every day.
Pay attention to the head-neck position when talking on the phone.
Vocal cords are also muscles. In order for these muscles to work strongly and regularly, do the vocal exercises recommended by the "Expert Speech and Language Therapist" regularly.
The treatment of hearing loss is necessary for voice health. Because those with low hearing need to speak by shouting all the time.
Before using drugs with hormonal effects, consult an ENT doctor. Some hormones can cause permanent thickening of your voice, while birth control pills narrow the dynamic range of your voice.
We call all the behaviors aimed at protecting the vocal system vocal hygiene. Voice hygiene means the care and protection of the vocal cords by keeping them moist and away from irritants. Moisturizing treatment is used in almost all voice diseases. The moistened vocal cords vibrate with minimal effort and form a protective layer. In addition, moisture protects the vocal cords from possible damage and prevents the vocal cords from being damaged again. Ways to moisten the vocal cords; It includes moisturizing the cells from inside by taking plenty of fluids and avoiding substances that dry the internal structure of the body such as caffeine and alcohol, breathing water vapor from the nose, or taking medications that make body secretions fluid under the control of a doctor.